When I first started my current job, I freaked out any time I was on call. I wouldn't leave the house, basically just sitting on the couch staring at the pager waiting for it to go off. I've since calmed down [some might say I'm over this whole deal]. My change in attitude has allowed me to continue training despite being on call.
So I ran my 5k route on Saturday morning in 27:26. More progress. I ran again this evening at a 27:14 clip. Saturday definitely felt better though. Most likely because it was a morning run, just after waking up...as opposed to after a long day of dealing with homeowners. Which, let me stop there for a second. If you ever have someone come into your home to complete a job, especially if they're helping you through a catastrophe of sorts...DON'T BE AN ASS. You're not our only customer and construction is a process. I don't have people just sitting around jumping at the opportunity to come work 24/7 at your house. I'm also not your personal servant 24/7. I have a family and enjoy spending time with them in the evenings and on weekends. Do you want our house put back together? Make time to meet me during business hours. /rant.
I feel better. We're quickly approaching a key stretch of months for the training...Football Season. Those of you that know me may say I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with college football. You would be right. Training on the weekends become virtually impossible. If it's not gameday, we typically have friends in town. Friends who aren't always down for a Saturday am run before College Gameday comes on. But I'm trying to be better this year. If I can net a loss of 10 lbs through football season, I will consider it a huge victory.
Football season is hard. It's a full day event...or so I've heard from those that went to a football school. Maybe: treadmill next to the TV? Switch from beer to hard liquor (less calories AND you'll be passed out by noon...can't eat/drink if you're passed out)? Put weights on your wrists/ankles/waist? Beer, coffee, beer, coffee, laxative, beer, coffee; repeat.