I'm guessing I lost half of my four followers since my last post. Sorry, guys. As hard as it is to keep up with training when you're busy, it's even harder to keep up with a blog about training. But here I am, slightly less out of shape than I was a month back when I started this...

Today's big news is the announcement of the annual (minus last year) Sharp Family Fun Run. We started this tradition in 2009 after my brother and I married two amazing women. Here you see myself, Dad, Laura, Carrie, and Jeremy during the 2009 Cold Winter's Day Run in Columbia. Now, this run is more than just 5 people doing a 5k. Two years ago, this marked the return of my Dad to competitive running. Dad has completed multiple Charleston WV 15 milers (averaging a 6:30 per mile pace) in his day, so we were very excited to have him back running. In an earlier entry, I linked
Jer's marathon recap. Check it out and you'll see just how much of an impact Dad had on Jeremy accomplishing his marathon dreams. Boston for those who are wondering. Big time. Baller.
So...training...today I ran my 5k route in 28:10. A little disappointing as it was only 87 today, not the usual 97. Weather permitting, I plan on getting a couple more runs plus a bike ride in this week. The announcement of the Sharp Family Fun Run has inspired Laura to run with me, so I look forward to having a partner. Starting Friday, I go "on call" for work. This basically means I have no life for a week, as the pager could go off at any minute and I have 15 minutes to respond. I'm going to attempt some early morning workouts this weekend in hopes that no one would call in a flood at their house at 7:00 am...on a Saturday...when people should be asleep.
I'm pretty pumped about the race this year. Thanks for the shoutout!