Basically, I'm at a crossroads of confusion right now. This past weekend, I relaxed at my parents house. Early bed times, good nights' rest, good food, nothing crazy. So I came home on Sunday afternoon and took off on a run...which was TERRIBLE. I felt sluggish, tired, and my legs were unresponsive. This completely blew my mind, mainly because just a week earlier I had one of the best runs of the training season, right after a beverage infused weekend in Atlanta complete with 3 am bedtimes, early rises, tons of food, etc. Blows my mind...literally. Guess it's one of those things you can't explain, but I'd rather there be an explanation out there that I just haven't figured out yet. Please, chime in if you have ideas.
Training continues...4 miles yesterday, most likely a trainer bike session tomorrow evening, and another run on Thursday or Friday. I'm aiming at next Monday for my first 10k run. Hopefully I'll be on fire that day.
Back in the high school cross country and track days we made sure to party the night before a race because we found out that we ran better after a night of drinking and smoking various things. Don't know why. Best practice I ever had was mid-August - hungover after drinking 40's the night prior. Somethings are meant to go unexplained...